Good morning class 5 – hope we are all this fine Thursday morning. Thank you to everyone who has been sending pictures, work and emailing about the the work – I’ve been impressed with the things I have seen.
Today’s learning is as follows

MATHS – I thought we’d try something a little different today and match some distances and lengths related to The Olympics. Below is a list of records, times and distances but everything is mixed up!! Your challenge is to match them all together correctly!

Above is the worksheet if you’d like to download, print it and then cut and match them on a big piece of paper.


How far does our food travel? Is a question I’d like us to investigate. For this, what I’d like you to do is use the table below to fill in 5 items of food from your fridge or cupboard. I would like you to find the main ingredient and find where it comes from (you might need to read the packaging carefully).

CHALLENGE – if you want to be one step ahead of the game and save yourself some work tomorrow when you have found out where the raw ingredients come from (some maybe worldwide) calculate how many miles that is from your house.
You will need this tomorrow, all will become clear.

Have a great day – Mr B

Good Morning Class 5 ??

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