Good morning Class 5 – I hope you all slept well and are refreshed ready for another packed day of learning. The work you have produced this week has been amazing – all your seesaw journals look excellent so well done everyone. Just remember to keep saving all work in the home learning folder. Let’s have a look at what we will be doing today.
English: We are going to start a new unit of work looking at journalistic writing. In this lesson, we will investigate text-type features of a newspaper report. We will then compare two types of newspaper reports – broadsheet and tabloid. Finally, we will label or identify the text-type features, using a model newspaper report as the independent task.
GPS: Today, we will start by investigating two types of pronouns: possessive pronouns and personal pronouns. Then we will sort the words into the relevant categories. After the warm-up activity, we will look at what determiners are in general. Next, we will break it down into the types of determiners and give examples for each. In the independent task, we will be asking the children to identify the determiners within a paragraph and insert the appropriate determiners in sentences.
Maths: Today we are going to move on from the first quadrant and look at all four quadrants. Please watch all the video, complete the sheet then mark and upload to seesaw. Answers will be available around 1:30 – 2pm
Worksheet: also available on seesaw.
Theme (This is will last this afternoon and Monday afternoon): Now I thought we would have a bit of fun using a map of the UK and try and locate villages/towns/cities with Anglo Saxon origins. Reading this information page first will help us with the three tasks below.
Task 1: Now, using the Anglo Saxon Place Names sheet below can you identify any places in the UK with these “name endings” in them? As a family, or with your siblings, or people in class, see who can come up with the most. Then create a table with the different places you have found with their meanings and upload your findings to seesaw.
Task 2: Once you have done that and have a substantial list of places, using an atlas (or the internet if you do not have one) can you locate these places on the blank map of the UK.
Challenge: Can you create a colour coded system so you can identify the meaning of each place name you locate on the map?
Task 3: Can you create a poster that explain everything you have learnt about Anglo Saxon Place Names. If you look on the information page it will detail what you have to include at the end of the slide.
All downloadable sheets are also available on seesaw.
PE: Please follow the link and have a go at the dance with a the “star background”.
Have a good day – Mr B