Well we have only gone and done it!!!!!!!

What a week!

I cannot express how incredibly proud I am of each and everyone of class 5, we have absolutely smashed the SATS!

Everyone has shown such a mature and sensible attitude and have all given 100% for each test and today to celebrate we have ended the week with a fab party, lots of dancing, laughing and eating šŸ˜€ šŸ’ƒ

Please all have the best weekend relaxing and do not give SATS another thought, they are done and we have so much to look forward to now with Food and Farming next week and starting the end of year play and also all the fun things for transition.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Mr Barnes

Happy Friday!

and what a lovely warm day it has been. We have ended what has been an extremely busy and ā€œSATS revisionā€ heavy week by having fun with a class 5 game of rounders and wow do we have some amazing batters in our class, they could certainly give me a run for my money!!!!!

We have all worked exceptionally hard over our time at Brandesburton Primary school and never more than this past few weeks, everyone is ready and equipped with all the necessary tools to successfully face the challenge ahead.

We shall all be having a breakfast provided by Mrs Gell before we start our SATS each morning to ensure we are all fully energised and ready to go. Please try to get a good nights sleep and please please do not worry about anything as you are all amazing and I could not be prouder of you all!!!!!!

Please ensure everyone brings a water bottle next week.

Mr Barnes

Have a lovely weekend and letā€™s hope the weather stays like this.

Well this week has certainly felt a little calmer than last !!!

But we have still had a busy week preparing for the upcoming SATS, not long to go!

In English the children have been enjoying doing some descriptive writing for the setting of Alma, we are all in suspense as to what will happen next.

In maths we are working on ā€œmeanā€ and today we have carried out an experiment on our reflexes for our left and right hands and working out the mean for each.

Hope you all have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday

Mr Barnes

Happy Friday!

As always we have had a busy week in class 5, we have finished making our Maya design cushions that look amazing displayed down the corridor within school.

In maths this week we have continued our work on area and perimeter and the class have very kindly worked out the costings for new carpets and skirting for my dream home !!!!

We are at this moment all competing in a ā€œBlind GPS quizā€ (Iā€™m sure they will explain) in preparation for the upcoming SATs, following on from this GPS homework will be in bags tonight.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I shall see you on Monday.

Mr Barnes

DT WEEK!!!!!!!

We have had a very creative week in class 5!

Part of our DT topic is Textiles, therefore we have been learning about different types of weaving and we have made our own wooden looms and have weaved patterns based on Ancient Maya Designs. It has been challenging but we have all risen to that challenge and produced some amazing designs ready to sew onto our handmade cushions.

I would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter šŸ£ see you all in two weeks ready for the build up to SATS!!

Mr Barnes

Another busy week!!!

It has been a busy week in class 5 and we have all been working super hard!

In maths we are working on calculating and measuring angles, it has been great to see the confidence in this topic and the amazing use of the protractors across the class (which can be tricky).

Our English work is based on writing a piece of descriptive writing for a suspense story based on the picture below. I have been very impressed at some the amazing if not eerie metaphors and figurative language being used and I am very much looking forward to reading the end results.

Please make sure we are all taking the time to do our reading at home and completing a book review for the rest of the class.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Mr Barnes

Round up of the week!

In maths we have been focusing on Ratio and problems involving ratio. In English we have been watching a video clip of ā€œTreasureā€ and have been writing a diary entry for the main character.

In Art we have been exploring the work of John Dyer and today we have a lot of fun investigating using different materials for printing.

Hope you all have a lovely half term

Mr Barnes/Mrs Campey

Happy New Year!

Firstly, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope everyone had a good Christmas and most importantly a good rest. It has been a busy start back in Class 5. We have started our new book – Pig Heart Boy. In English, we have started our journalistic unit using the video The Lighthouse where we have become very good this week at writing headlines and introductions to our report. In Maths we have started converting units and have been trying to apply our knowledge to different problems.

We are also currently having fun creating Text Adventures in ICT where we are trying to program and e-book to create an interactive telling of a traditional tale. We havealso made positive starts in our Jigsaw and RE work. I would like to say a huge well done to all the class members for coming back with such a positive attitude.

Mr B


It has been a very busy week, but a fun one!

Weā€™ve got into the Christmas spirit making cards using perspective and learning the new skill of ā€œquillingā€, this took a lot of patience and some resilience at first but the finished products were definitely worth it, we also designed our own calendars using collage.

In Geography we carried out a UK Comparative Study, looking at locality of two contrasting primary schools. We had a walk around the village looking at the number of cars we saw in two minutes and how many people we saw in five minutes along with the types of vehicles we saw around. We then visited Cottingham to do a comparative survey, we which all found very interesting. We then produced a variety of graphs to show our results.

BUT the children have enjoyed our DT project (Mechanism and Structures) the most, we have designed and built our own Beach Buggies with an electrical pulley system and pneumatic lift. This has definitely taken lots of teamwork, compromise and discussion within the groups and this has most certainly shown in the amazing buggies they have produced, they should all be very proud of themselves.

From myself and Mrs Campey we would like to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy NEW YEAR!!!!!