Class 5 This week!

Highlights: We have had a really productive week in Class 5 and the children have worked really hard. In English, we have been finishing our final piece of writing in our unit of setting descriptions and we have written some fantastic pieces, really thinking about our language and vocabulary choices.  In History, we had a great afternoon creating our own laws for an island we were in charge of.  The children really thought hard and used their knowledge from previous lessons to come up with some fantastic rules to keep society peaceful.  Finally, in Science we made a wire loop game that could potentially feature at Hull Fair 2025!

What’s happening next week:  Next week is ART WEEK in Class 5 which will see a nice end to a busy term. If parents have any rolls of tin foil or cardboard that could be generously donated, then that would be fantastic.  Also next week there is the cross country finals for all those who came in the top 10 at the last event.  That will take place at Hornsea School.  

Spellings: The spellings next week are listed below. It is about adding suffixes to words ending in “fer”

Class Focus:  KINDNESS! We are having a real focus on being kind to one another and to our community. The children have a little challenge at home this week.  See if you can notice it this week!  

Homework: See above.

Dates for your diary: One alteration to the dates due to the bad weather last week.

Tuesday 22nd October – Cross Country Finals at Hornsea School (for those who came in the top 10 and received a letter at the previous event).

EventDateOther details
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

This week in Class 5

Highlights: We have had a fantastic week in Class 5 and have been unbelievably productive.  In maths we have been learning to times and divide by 10, 100 and 1000 and even though it was tricky to start with we have mastered this!  In English we have been working hard on creative sentences and using our senses to describe different settings.  We are still working hard on understanding how to build these sentences but the improvement this week has been good. Finally, in Science the children planned conducted and evaluated their own electricity investigation deciding upon their own enquiry question first, something which they enjoyed doing and learnt a lot from.

What’s happening next week:  Next week is a busy old week in Class 5. Parents evenings are Monday and Tuesday (please see book bags for your appointment).  There is also Girls football on the Monday night at Hornsea after school as well as the Boys Football Finals at Bridlington on the Tuesday.  Mr Trott and myself will be attending these events respectively.

Spellings: The spellings next week are all about consolidating the words we have learnt this half term.  There will be a refresh of different words every day for children to practise. My advice would be to focus on the words for the last few weeks the children have found tricky and practise those.  There will be a test on 20 spellings from the previous weeks next Friday.

Class Focus:  Still writing! We are still spending a lot of time currently working on writing complex sentences that make sense.  If there are any opportunities at home, then please get your child to write as often as possible.

Homework: Homework this week will be maths related with the children find out all the prime numbers to 100 on a number square (Tuesday). Children have also been asked to find out what a pronoun is and come with that written down for Monday.   

Dates for your diary: One alteration to the dates due to the bad weather last week.

Parents evening – Monday 14th and Tuesday15th October

Monday 14st October – Girls 5/6 football Tournament at Hornsea School

Tuesday 15th October – Year 5/6 Boys East Riding Finals at Bridlington School  

Tuesday 22nd October – Cross Country Finals at Hornsea School (for those who came in the top 10 and received a letter at the previous event).

EventDateOther details
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

Class 5 This Week!

Highlights: This week has been a good but challenging in Class 5 with the children really being tested in all areas of the curriculum.  Maths has certainly been tricky but we have made such good progress with decimal knowledge – I have really been impressed with how all the children have stuck at it.  We also learnt about Victorian punishments and compared them with how the Tudors dealt with criminals. This proved to be a tasty debate as to who’s punishments were the harsher!  Finally, we are improving our Hockey skills enormously and I am looking forward to the Hockey tournament we will be having in a few weeks’ time.

What’s happening next week:  Next week is a normal week and we will be continuing with the units in Maths and English we started this week.

Spellings: The spellings next week are words that end in “ible” and “able”.  Please practise these at home for the test on Friday. Please find on the website the year 3/4  and year 5/6 spelling lists as I will be drip feeding five of these spellings into our test from next week.  

Class Focus:  Still writing! We are spending a lot of time currently working on writing complex sentences that make sense.  If there are any opportunities at home, then please get your child to write as often as possible. We are also working on listening at all times and staying focused for the whole lesson.   

Homework: Homework this week will be maths related to the decimals unit we have been doing in class.  It is due in for Tuesday.  

Dates for your diary: One alteration to the dates due to the bad weather last week.

Monday 14st October – Girls 5/6 football Tournament at Hornsea School

Tuesday 15th October – Year 5/6 Boys East Riding Finals at Bridlington School  

Tuesday 22nd October – Cross Country Finals at Hornsea School (for those who came in the top 10 and received a letter at the previous event).

EventDateOther details
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

Round-up of the week.

Highlights: This week has been a good week in Class 5 with the children working really hard in all areas.  They are slowly getting used to the pace of work but we do need to speed up in certain lessons.  We are currently loving learning about crime and punishment in Tudor Britain and have come to a resounding conclusion they were a touch harsh.  In Maths we have been working hard learning all about negative numbers and that when we add and subtract them it goes totally against what we would normally do! Finally, we have shown good skills during our rugby sessions and thoroughly enjoyed the attack v defense game we played on Tuesday afternoon. Next week we start our new English topic of setting descriptions.

What’s happening next week:  Next week is a normal week with no major events taking place, other than the 5/6 Girls football after school at Hornsea on Tuesday.

Spellings: The spellings next week is words from the statutory words list that Year 5/6 are expected to know.  Please Practise these at home for the test on Friday. I also have one of these spellings sheets if you would like to practise them all.  As the year goes on, I will be blind testing these.

Class Focus:  Writing! We are spending a lot of time currently working on writing complex sentences that make sense.  If there are any opportunities at home, then please get your child to write as often as possible. We are also continuing to try and work at a greater pace.   

Homework: Homework this week will be GPS related trying to embed the elements we have been working on in class.  It is due in for Tuesday.  

Dates for your diary: A few new dates have been added over the last week which are mainly sporting ones.

Tuesday 1st October – Girls 5/6 football Tournament at Hornsea School

Tuesday 15th October – Year 5/6 Boys East Riding Finals at Bridlington School  

Tuesday 22nd October – Cross Country Finals at Hornsea School (for those who came in the top 10 and received a letter at the previous event).

EventDateOther details
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

Weekly round-up.

Highlights: This week has been a super week in Class 5 with the children working really hard in all areas.  It started off superbly with the boy’s football team winning the local cluster finals where they will move onto the next round. A massive shout out to the girls’ team as well who more than held their own and in fact proved to be quite a handful for every team they played.  In the classroom, we have been working hard trying to understand number lines in Maths, which has proven a little tricky.  Science has also been interesting this week and the children have enjoyed creating their own experiments to see how the brightness of a light bulb can be altered.

What’s happening next week:  Next week is a normal week with no major events taking place, other than the National languages day on Thursday where Mrs platen will lead a special assembly all about it.

Spellings: The spellings next week is all about homophones and words that can be confused. Please practise these at home.  It is important this week for the test on Friday that they know the meaning of the spellings as when read out they will sound the same.

Class Focus:  Getting work done on time and writing sustained pieces of work will be the focus in class for the next few weeks.   

Homework: Homework this week will be comparing and ordering numbers, and working with decimals, which is due in on Tuesday.  Children have come home with a sheets tonight.

Dates for your diary: Here below is a list of finalised dates for the coming term. There may be odd dates to add in but I will but these on the blog if so. Hopefully you all received a date for the school nurse visit. If not please contact me about this.

EventDateOther details
European Day of Languages26.9.24Assembly / Class Activities
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

First Full week!

Highlights: This week has been a busy week with the children all starting their new topics in every subject.  Our circle this morning highlighted that they have particularly enjoyed leanirng about the Tudors especially how brutal they were! We have also started our English and Maths units where we have tried hard with our sentence structure as well as place value to 10,000,000.  They have been brilliant this week and tried really hard – long may that continue.

What’s happening next week: There are no major events taking place next week other than continuing with our leaning. PE days are Tuesday’s and Friday’s so please make sure warm PE clothing is brought in or worn.  We will also be looking deeper into staying safe online with the focus being how to spot when things are not normal.

Spellings: The spellings next week still remain a recap from year 5.  This will look closely at some spelling patterns they should remember.  They did fantastically on the spelling test this week so well done for practising at home with them.

Class Focus:  Presentation will still remain a focus as will the pace in which we work. Getting used to this will take some time.  

Dates for your diary: Here is a reminder of future dates for your diary. .

EventDateOther details
European Day of Languages26.9.24Assembly / Class Activities
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

Welcome to Class 5!

Highlights: Wow! What a flying start to the year the children have made.  They have been industrious, positive and have thrown themselves into every task I have asked.  I did ask them this morning what their favourite part of the week was so far and most of them said it was getting to sit on the benches in assembly!  However, they have really enjoyed the self-portraits we have done this week as we turned them into a bunch of grapes which is now displayed in the corridor.

What’s happening next week: We will be fully into the swing of everything next week and we are looking forward to it as a class.  Guided Reading (the book is called The Final Year). You may purchase it but please do not read it past where we are in class.  A more detailed overview of learning is written in the curriculum map on the website and also in the class newsletter that was sent out. Any questions please ask.

Spellings: For the next week will be given out on Monday and they will be tested on these on a Friday. The first spelling task is to recap some of the words learnt from Year 5.

Class Focus:  For the next few weeks I will be focusing on children getting into the routines in class 5 with home reading and presentation being a particular focus.

Dates for your diary: Here below is a list of finalised dates for the coming term. There may be odd dates to add in but I will but these on the blog if so.

EventDateOther details
European Day of Languages26.9.24Assembly / Class Activities
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school

Well we have only gone and done it!!!!!!!

What a week!

I cannot express how incredibly proud I am of each and everyone of class 5, we have absolutely smashed the SATS!

Everyone has shown such a mature and sensible attitude and have all given 100% for each test and today to celebrate we have ended the week with a fab party, lots of dancing, laughing and eating 😀 💃

Please all have the best weekend relaxing and do not give SATS another thought, they are done and we have so much to look forward to now with Food and Farming next week and starting the end of year play and also all the fun things for transition.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine.

Mr Barnes

Happy Friday!

and what a lovely warm day it has been. We have ended what has been an extremely busy and “SATS revision” heavy week by having fun with a class 5 game of rounders and wow do we have some amazing batters in our class, they could certainly give me a run for my money!!!!!

We have all worked exceptionally hard over our time at Brandesburton Primary school and never more than this past few weeks, everyone is ready and equipped with all the necessary tools to successfully face the challenge ahead.

We shall all be having a breakfast provided by Mrs Gell before we start our SATS each morning to ensure we are all fully energised and ready to go. Please try to get a good nights sleep and please please do not worry about anything as you are all amazing and I could not be prouder of you all!!!!!!

Please ensure everyone brings a water bottle next week.

Mr Barnes

Have a lovely weekend and let’s hope the weather stays like this.

Well this week has certainly felt a little calmer than last !!!

But we have still had a busy week preparing for the upcoming SATS, not long to go!

In English the children have been enjoying doing some descriptive writing for the setting of Alma, we are all in suspense as to what will happen next.

In maths we are working on “mean” and today we have carried out an experiment on our reflexes for our left and right hands and working out the mean for each.

Hope you all have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all on Tuesday

Mr Barnes