Hello and good morning Class 5 we have made it past the halfway mark of the week! Well done on all your amazing work this week, I have enjoyed looking through all your posts on seesaw especially all those brooches you designed and made! They were fab! Also all the English work you have been doing this week has really pleased me – you seemed to have got to grips with Journalistic Writing. So a new day brings new challenges – let’s see what we have in store today.
English: In this lesson, we will look at the purpose of editing and why it is important. Then, we will break the editing checklist into two parts: one that checks for punctuation, spelling and sense; and the other for language choices, sentence types and structure. After we have practised editing, you will be expected to edit your recounts from the previous lesson as their independent task.
Guided Reading: Both tasks from yesterday are to be continued. PLEASE upload work when everything is marked and completed. Answers will be available at around 1pm.
GPS: In this lesson, we will introduce new vocabulary, identify word pairs and synonyms and apply the vocabulary in sentences.
Maths: After looking at common factors yesterday, today we are going to focus on common multiples. As usual please watch the tutorial, complete the sheet, mark and then upload. Answers will be available around 1:30pm
Theme: So, we know where the Anglo-Saxons came from, why they came and the different kingdoms they created. Today we are going to look at how they settled and the different settlements they built. Prior warning – on Monday we are going to be making these settlements, so please save any recyclable materials. Alternatively you will be able to build it out of Lego or KNEX or any other building structure you like or have readily available.
To start with, have a watch of this short video.

As well as that short video there is also some information below that which will help you with your design of your Anglo Saxon Settlement.

Today I would like you to design your own Anglo Saxon settlement – the template below is provided – or you can create your own on a blank A3 piece of paper or two A4 bits stuck together. I would also like you to think carefully about what Anglo Saxon Settlements had inside and outside their houses from the information and video above. Make sure they are correctly labelled or included within your key
Use the cards below to design your settlement correctly just like the Anglo Saxons would have – make sure you read them carefully. I haven’t uploaded a template to seesaw as for this task you will need to draw on a piece of paper. I would also like you to add a key to your map showing all the different parts to your village – this could include all the different features of Anglo Saxon homes such as: the fire, where the meat and fish is kept, livestock, chiefs house, water supply, beds and materials used to build them etc. How many can you include? Wow me with your designs! I look forward to seeing these.

I have not set any PE this week as I would like us to spend some time making sure these designs are the best they can be. If you can get out for a walk or some exercise of your own, whether it be Joe Wicks or some games outside or in the garden please upload one picture of you doing this. It would be even better if you could send me a photo of you completing some of our “keep it up” challenges! Have you managed to beat any of the teachers at school?!
Have a great day – Mr B