Highlights: This week has been a busy week with the children all starting their new topics in every subject.  Our circle this morning highlighted that they have particularly enjoyed leanirng about the Tudors especially how brutal they were! We have also started our English and Maths units where we have tried hard with our sentence structure as well as place value to 10,000,000.  They have been brilliant this week and tried really hard – long may that continue.

What’s happening next week: There are no major events taking place next week other than continuing with our leaning. PE days are Tuesday’s and Friday’s so please make sure warm PE clothing is brought in or worn.  We will also be looking deeper into staying safe online with the focus being how to spot when things are not normal.

Spellings: The spellings next week still remain a recap from year 5.  This will look closely at some spelling patterns they should remember.  They did fantastically on the spelling test this week so well done for practising at home with them.

Class Focus:  Presentation will still remain a focus as will the pace in which we work. Getting used to this will take some time.  

Dates for your diary: Here is a reminder of future dates for your diary. .

EventDateOther details
European Day of Languages26.9.24Assembly / Class Activities
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.243pm – 6 pm
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school
First Full week!

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