Highlights: It has been a busy week in Class 5 this week and we have worked hard on becoming more independent with our work which has proved tricky at times. In maths, we have been fabulous at learning how to do long division and I have been really impressed with how quickly we have learnt this. In RW, we have been exploring how different faiths express their beliefs through the clothes that they wear. Finally, we are really enjoying our science unit all bout light and the children have been creating fair tests and setting up investigations to decide on which material reflects light the best.
What’s happening next week: Next week is a normal week in Class 5. However if we haven’t already done so could we please bring in something blue for the raffle prize box Also again on Thursday there is a coffee morning where all adults are invited please just come and turn up at 9.00am!
Spellings: The spellings next week are listed below. They are based on words that contain the letter string “ough”

Class Focus: Writing! We are really going to be looking at our writing and also how we make our sentences flow! The special mention next week will be picked form children whose writing has a superb flow to it.
Homework: Children have a maths sheet to complete for Tuesday focusing on long division.
Dates for your diary: Please see below for dates for your diary and the next week in Class 5 section. The next date for the diary is the Christmas Fair and we have come up with some ideas we would like to do as a class. Please be prepared to receive some news next week on what this may entail.
Event | Date | Other details |
Christmas Fair | 6.12.24 | 2.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome. |
Christmas Performances | 10.12.24 | 10.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance |
Christmas Performances | 12.12.24 | 10.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school) |
Christmas Disco | 19.12.24 | 3.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school |