Hello Class 5 and welcome to Thursday- May I first off all just say well done to everyone who managed to complete some challenges for Wellbeing Wednesday – it was so good to see different things being done – we certainly did “Express Ourselves”. Please keep up the good work and the positive attitude Class 5 – you are all doing fantastically well. Back to a little bit of a normal day today. So read on below to find out today’s tasks.
English: In this lesson, you will recap your knowledge of interrupted speech and then practise writing speech sentences. Then you will recap the purpose of editing and the checklist needed when making edits. After that, have a go at making edits to a model text with errors. Finally edit your own newspaper report as the independent task.
Guided Reading: Today, you will read the next part of the story. You will focus on exploring character and looking at language the author has used. Please complete all tasks in your book or on paper and upload to seesaw.
Maths: Today we are going to be looking at how mental calculations can help us when working out different problems. Please watch the video and upload the sheets, once you have marked it.
Science: In this lesson, you will learn the steps that take place when we see an object. You will draw diagrams to show how we see; you will learn the different parts and functions of the human eye; and we will learn why people wear glasses and sunglasses. To be complete this lesson you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. Please complete all tasks that are asked and record results in your books or on paper before uploading to seesaw.
French: Bonjour! We’re going to start today’s lesson with a little French poem. This is often used with French children to help them learn their numbers. I’m sure you know numbers to ten already – have a quick practice and shout them out…. GO!
OK now you are warmed up and ready let’s take a look at the poem.
Watch the video to hear the poem being read and to find out what your first activity is. Then pause the video whilst you complete the activity.
When you are ready, play the video again for aquick-draw game. The game will also give you the answers to the first activity so you can check your own work.
Now we’re going to look at creating some new sentence stems. J’adore means I love and je déteste means I hate. Can you translate these sentences?
Your final task for today is to used what you have learned today to create your own sentences like the ones above.
Challenge: Write the correct French word for each animal you choose instead of drawing a picture.
À bientôt!
Have a good day – Mr B