Good morning Class 5 and welcome to another day of remote learning. We are nearing the end of a very busy but successful first week back. The work you have been producing has been excellent. First of all if you didn’t see the science update on the blog yesterday, here it is below.
“It appears the Science lesson is the same as before the holidays. This is the link you should have! Please do not feel like you have to complete it today, it can be completed this week or next week as it our last lesson on light. I will teach sound when we return”.
Science: In this lesson, we will be learning how we can see different colours. We will apply our learning of reflection and refraction from previous lessons to understand how rainbows are made. At the end of the lesson there will be a chance to try creating your own rainbow by refracting light! You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson. If you would like to try making your own rainbow then you will also need a transparent glass of water or an old CD. You can still take part in the lesson if you do not have these items.
Apologies again – but please try and complete this lesson to finish the unit off before next friday
Mr B
So today’s work is as follows.
English (please complete GPS first): Today in English we are going to write the opening of The Viewer focusing on describing the setting in great detail and setting the tone for the story.
Guided Reading: Today, we will read the next part of the story and make inferences about the new character.
GPS: In this lesson, we’ll prepare to write our descriptive opening by learning all about non-finite clauses. These will help us to add variety to our writing and start our sentences in diverse ways.
Maths: For the next two days we are going to do some revising of fractions we completed in Autumn Term. Today we are going to look at equivalent fractions. Again watch the tutorial, complete the sheet, mark and then upload.
Worksheet: Again for some reason the worksheet can not be uploaded – so it is available on seesaw to download and print.
Theme: Today we are going to learn how and why the Vikings came to Britain focusing on the invasion of Lindisfarne. First of all, I would like you to look at this picture below and write around it answering these questions: What could they be doing? Where are they? What could they want? How could this change life in England? How did they get here? What did they come for?
So why did the Vikings invade Britain? Well, they came to Britain looking for lucrative new items to steal and trade. In addition, they wanted land that they could take and claim as their own. To gain more understanding I would like you to watch this clip explaining the importance of invading Lindisfarne for the Vikings.
After you have done that, I would like you to complete the tasks below.
Task 1: To create an information page on the Vikings Attack of Lindisfarne. You will need to conduct your own research from the internet and other sources if you have them available as well as watching the video above. You can present your information in any form you like but I must get an understanding of 5W’s of the invasion. I look forward to seeing what you do – be as creative as you like.
Task 2: From your research can you complete this challenge?
Task 3: For the final task, I would first like to pretend you are a Viking Warrior and then an Anglo Saxon King and answer these three questions below in detail. From your knowledge over the weeks theme work you should be able to give accurate and detailed answers. I look forward to seeing how much you have understood.
PE: Now instead of doing Dancestars this week, I thought we could try something different. So please watch the video and and complete your PE lesson. I can’t wait to see the photos.
Have a good day – Mr B