Highlights: Art week has hit hard in Class 5 – the carpet is testament to that. The children have worked fabulously hard creating our Tudor crime and punishment scene.  The skills they have learnt have been fantastic and all are now real dab hands in creating sculptures from tin foil.  We will post some pictures of our final scenes after half term – we are currently waiting for them to dry!

What’s happening next week:  IT’S HALF TERM! Please enjoy a well-earned break, stay safe and come back with lots of stories of things you have done.

Spellings: These will be given the first Monday back.

Class Focus:  KINDNESS! We are going to still be focusing on this the first week back with a particular focus being “how to be a good friend”.  Maybe over the holiday we could think of some ways we could answer this and even better show it.   

Homework: There are some mini Maths test and GPS to complete for the first Tuesday back.

EventDateOther details
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to school
Last week of half term!

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