Highlights: Thank you Class 5 for a super week of hard work; it really has been quite tough. In English, we have been working hard to finish our suspense story openings taken form text Wolf Brothers! In Science, we had super fun finding out if sugar content of a biscuit affected the amount of times it could be dunked. Finally, in PE we did some orienteering around school, trying to find answers to different GPS questions.
What’s happening next week: Next week is a super busy normal week in Class 5 – be prepared for more hard work!
Spellings: Please start to learn the Year 5/6 statutory words which can be found on the school website. We will be testing 10 of these daily for the next few weeks.
Class Focus: Reading! Please make sure your child has read 4 times this week. We are also having a big focus in class on answering comprehension questions carefully making sure our answers relate to the questions. If you could have a practice of these in your revision packs if you have them that would be fantastic.
Homework: Children have a GPS sheet to complete for Monday morning where we will go through the answers together
Dates for your diary: Please see below any important dates for the rest of month