As I said yesterday there wouldn’t be much more posted today as there was lots of work to be getting on with. However there are two tasks below I would like us to complete. MATHS – Have a go at…
Welcome back Class 5 – hope you had a great half term ?
So today we should be in school starting the last half term of Class 5 and for Year 6 the last half term at Brandesburton Primary School and I am really gutted this isn’t going to happen the way any…
Home Learning
Well done to everyone who has emailed me home learning the past week. It’s been brilliant to look through all that you are sending. Here is a selection. Have a look and enjoy a well deserved half term Mr B
Circuit training
Well done to Ben for his creative circuit training video – looks fun !! ??
Maths answers from last week ?
Here are a couple of maths answers from last week to do with the restaurant challenge. See below if you got them correct.
Good morning and welcome to the last day of half term!! We have made it Class 5 ??
I hope you all enjoyed another glorious day of weather yesterday and managed to get out in the garden or for a walk. You have worked incredibly hard this term so as a little light relief I am not going…
Welcome to Thursday Class 5 ?
Good morning class 5 hope you managed to get in the garden yesterday afternoon and are cracking on well with the restaurant challenge. Today’s work is below. EXTRA RESTAURANT CHALLENGE I would like you to create a leaflet of brochure…
Photo Competition – The Result
All the photos have been judged by my friend and he said well done to everyone who entered – there were some fabulous photographs from the local area. So in first place – Phoebe Judges Comment – I love the…
Good Morningggg – Class 5 ??
I hope you’re all had a good time designing your restaurants and I am looking forward to seeing those later this week. Today I am setting you one additional tasks and some fun games this afternoon so you can enjoy…
Super Home Learning! ??
I have collected a bit of a bank of home learning. I must say what amazing stuff you are producing at home class 5. Please take a look below at all the examples. Well done Class 5 – keep up…