Good morning Class 5 ? It’s Friiidddaayyy!!!
We’ve made it to Friday and that Class 5 can only mean one thing….PE!!!!! So here comes your PE for today. Please send me your scores. Finally you can do as many attempts as you want from any colour object…
Emily’s Skeleton
Good morning Class 5 ? Thursday’s Work
Good morning class 5. Today’s work is mainly maths based. TASK 1 – you know yesterday I asked you to take a “sporting picture in action”. Well today I would like you to label as many acute, obtuse and reflex…
Good Morning Class 5 ? Wednesday’s Work
MATHS – please click on the link below and go down to the video called “The Hoosiers” Can you work out the answer? Write the answer in your book and I will give the answer later in the week. Feel…
A New Skill Learnt!
Tuesday’s Work
We are back up and running with our online learning and today’s tasks are listed below! Science – your challenge this week is to draw and label as many bones of the human skeleton as you can. You can do…
Helpful websites
Below are to websites the DFE have recommended to use for home schooling. The have virtual lessons, quizzes and games across a broad range of themes and age groups. These may give you additional work to complete alongside…
Welcome Back!
Hope you all have had as much of an enjoyable Easter as the current situation has allowed. At least the weather has been good I guess. I have certainly been busy in the garden as has everyone else I think!…