Welcome back to a new week Class 5 – I hope you had a relaxing weekend, recharged your batteries and managed to get out for some fresh air. This weeks learning will follow in a similar vein to last weeks, with Maths and English being set everyday, then a variety of activities being set from across the curriculum to make up the days learning. Now I have amended my uploads to seesaw you should be able to write over the top of the worksheets I post on there. So let’s look at today’s learning.

English: Last week you planned the first part of the opening in our unit Oliver Twist – well today, we are going to write the first part of our opening. Please watch the video carefully and I look forward to seeing your written work.


GPS: Today we are going to look at the spelling rule “ie” or “ei”. Please watch the video and complete all tasks that are set.




Theme: We are going to continue with our Anglo Saxon work again. Today, I would like you to use the Anglo Saxon timeline PDF, which is available on seesaw, to create your very own Anglo Saxon timeline. With this task, we are following on from the skills we learnt when we created our family timeline. This time, I want you to be as creative as you can be; you could use old wallpaper strips or border paper if you are in school to create your timeline. Alternatively, could create a hanging timeline or even one that goes down the fence in the garden. I look forward to seeing what you produce.

Challenge: When was the battle of Hastings? Who was the last Saxon King and how was he dethroned? Can you add these dates to your timeline?

ICT (this will take 2 lessons – this Monday and next Monday): Using the information on the timeline PDF, I would like you to use your knowledge of ICT, especially your presentation skills to create an Anglo Saxon History Brochure/Leaflet on whichever program you like – Microsoft Publisher might be the best to use. The Leaflet should include 6 dates that you think are the most important or the ones that interest you the most. Some ideas on how to set your leaflet out are posted below. You can choose whichever style you like just remember your leaflet needs to include 6 dates about Anglo Saxon History. I look forward to reading these!

Egyptian Leaflet Template (Computing) | Teaching Resources
Non-chronological leaflet model | Teaching Resources

Have a good day – Mr B

Monday 18th January

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