Good morning Class 5 – we’ve made it to the middle of the week. Well done again for all work that is getting posted this week; you really are impressing me! Another busy day awaits us today and we are starting a new unit in Maths – so let’s see what Wednesday has in store for us.

English: In this lesson, we will write the second part of the opening of Oliver Twist. You will need your plan from yesterday to help you. Remember to write fully and in detail. I can’t wait to see what fantastic writing you produce.

Guided Reading: All I would like you to do today is to read silently in peace for 15 minutes with your reading book and then re-design the front cover based on what you have read so far.

GPS: In GPS today, we will explore fronted adverbials. We look at how they can be made up of words or phrases. Then we will explore how they are used to show, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘how’.

Maths: Today we are going to be starting a new unit in Maths – geometry. We will be focusing this week on co-ordinates and understanding how to accurately read points, before reflecting and translating shapes. PLease complete the attached worksheet, mark it and upload to seesaw. Answers will be available around 2pm.


Science: We are going to continue our unit on light which we started last week. Today, we will be learning about reflection! We will learn about reflective and non-reflective materials and their uses. Then we will look at two different types of reflection: specular and diffuse reflection. Then we will learn the law of reflection. For this lesson, you will need a pencil, a piece of paper and a ruler.

French: Can you remember the names of any animals in French? This week we are going to look at pet animals. Take a look at these images. Which names are similar or the same as in English? These will be the easiest one to learn. Which looks the most different? Challenge yourself to learn that one. Remember un or une means ‘a’. un is masculine and une is feminine. 

Now you can start to use some of the animal vocabulary in a sentence. Look at this image

What do you think the children are saying to each other?

The girl is asking if the boy has any pets and the boy replies that he has a dog.

Your task is to create some similar conversations. You can use any of the animals from the photos above. There is a speech bubble template on Seesaw or you can write your sentences and upload photos of your work. Why not add some illustrations as well?

There is also a crossword on seesaw that you can complete aswell.

All documents for this tasks are available on seesaw.

Have a great day – Mr B

Wednesday 20th January

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