Well here we are again Class 5! Welcome back to more installments of remote learning! First of all, I hope you have had a relaxing break and have enjoyed half term the best you can. At least it seems to have warmed up a little and the first signs of spring are starting to appear! The resident squirrel in our garden is back so for me that automatically means better weather and a change of seasons is approaching. Have you seen any signs of spring?

A new half term does bring a slightly different approach to our learning. As you will know we have now left the Anglo Saxons behind and we will be focusing on Vikings for the rest of this half term. I am looking forward to seeing what you produce – the work before half term was excellent across the curriculum. PLEASE remember to date and title every piece of work and when we are writing make sure we write with the same quality sand detail as we would if we were in school.

So let’s have a look at today’s work

English: For the next two weeks we are going to be focusing on the text called “The Viewer” Today, we will make predictions about the text and discuss our initial impressions, focusing on the images in particular. Please complete all work asked and upload to seesaw.


Guided Reading: This week in Guided Reading we will be focusing on the book “Streetchild” by Berlie Doherty. In this lesson you will be introduced to a historical time period. You will then will read chapter 8 and answer some questions to help develop an understanding of the main character’s personality.


Maths: This week I am splitting into two. For the first three days we are going to focus on volume and the last two days we are going to recap some fraction work. This will then lead into next week and depending what the PM says I will be able to make a smooth transition back into school learning if we are back in school. Answers will be available around 13:30pm – please mark before uploading to seesaw.

Worksheet: This is only available on seesaw as the file is too large to upload to the blog. Please download from there.

Computing: For the next few weeks in computing we are going to be focusing on animation.

Now we are going to start by looking at early animation. Take a close look at these two pictures below.

Task: First of all have a quick think both of these would work. Then your task today is to try to make one, or both of these. I have included some instructions on seesaw for you to follow. Perhaps you could make your thaumatrope or flick book linked to our Viking theme. Once completed, I would like you to research the history behind it: Who invented it? When was it invented? Why? How? Can you create an information page that shows this? I Can wait to see your finished work!

Theme: For today’s theme lesson I would first like you to read this Viking Information PDF which is available on seesaw (its file size is too big for the blog). Once you have done this please read the selection of tasks below.

Task 1: Complete Viking timeline. You will need to refer to the dates and information on the PDF as some of the information needs inserting. Be as creative as you like with your timelines – like you were with your Anglo Saxon ones. I would also like you to research and add three extra dates to the timeline. Use the document below to help create you timeline.

Task 2: I would like you to to label this map with arrows to show where the Vikings came from and where they invaded. You could explain what transport the used, what they were after and what types of weapons they had.

I look forward to seeing how you start your Viking topic – have a great day – Mr B

Monday 22nd February

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