Wow what a busy start to the year we have had in Class 5. Our topic for this term is “Blackout” which focuses on WW2 and we have been currently been looking at the Blitz during English and Theme work. In English we have been writing descriptions, stories and thinking about empathy in our writing which has challenged us to put ourselves in other people’s shoes.
We have also been doing research about Anderson Shelters and have designed our own which brings me onto this……
HOMEWORK: Over the next two weeks I would like your to build your own Anderson Shelter. Your designs are taken home with you so this will give an adult some idea as to what you would like to achieve. Extra points for electricity being installed and how strong you can make it. I told them a little story of when I built my Anderson shelter when I was in Year 6. Please work together on this homework and I can’t wait to see what ideas are brought into school. These are due in on Monday 18th October.
In Maths, we have been looking at place value and the formal methods for all four operations. At home it would be really beneficial if times tables and addition and subtraction number from 11-20 are practiced so that silly mistakes are avoided.
In Science we are learning about solids, liquids and gases and have this week been investigating the weight of carbon dioxide in a fizzy drink. Have a look at us in action.

Have a good weekend.
Mr B