Class 5 enjoyed the bridge building activity we have done. The bridge had to span 30cm and with the winning bridge holding 1750g!! Everyone showed great team work and have made a fantastic start to Year 6
A busy start….
Class 5 have made a fantastic start to the new school year and have been busy already. Every year I take measurements of different body parts in the first week and then again in the last week to see how…
Class 5 have been researching and designing sculptures for our garden based on the work of Michelle Reader. They will create animal or plant sculptures made from recyclable materials.
Class 5 have been conducting experiments, making pan pipes and exploring instruments to learn all about pitch and amplitude of a sound.
Super busy week in Class 5 !
Wow! The week has just flown by! We have been super busy this week in Class 5 and have completed a whole host of work. In English we have been writing the next adventure story for Tadeo Jones where the…
Converting units
Class 5 have been working hard this week converting units in Maths. There have been a series of challenges – this one was places different units on a number with various start and end points before writing the conversions. Mr…
New Half Term
It has been a busy start since coming back for Class 5 and all the children have come back with a good attitude to learning which has been pleasing to see. In maths we have been focusing on fractions. This…