Weathering and Erosion
This afternoon, Class 5 have been investigating different types of weathering and erosion explaining how it affects the world and rocks. Look at the fun we had.
Children In Industry
Class 5 have been lucky enough this week to have a workshop run by Dr from the University of York. This program will run for 3 weeks where we will take part in a variety of challenges reporting our results…
Busy start to the New Year!
It has been a busy start in Class 5 this new year. We have been working hard in all areas of the curriculum. Have a look at some of the pictures below to find out what has been happening.
Ration Book Instructions
In your child’s book bag tonight there is a Ration Book that they are to try and keep to for a week. As a class, we have written a “typical” weekly menu that we would eat at home. From this,…
A Busy Start….
Wow what a busy start to the year we have had in Class 5. Our topic for this term is “Blackout” which focuses on WW2 and we have been currently been looking at the Blitz during English and Theme work.…
Goodbye Year 6
Good morning Year 6. First of all this is not the way any one of us wanted the term to end but ultimately there is nothing we can do about it. I just wanted to say how immensely proud I…
Summer Learning Packs
Summer learning packs have been set to support children in continuing to read and practise key maths and writing skills over the holidays. There are also ideas linked to our themes for next term and outdoor exploration. The activities are…
Waste Day
Last Friday, Class 5 was part of the whole school initiative “Waste Day”. During Waste Day we created short films about why it is important to have a plastic free July and designed and calculated the cost of having a…
Year 6 Science Transition Morning
Year 6 have had a wonderful morning completing experiments remotely from HSLC as part of their transition work. They worked hard and got a lot from the experiments on offer.