A busy start….

Class 5 have made a fantastic start to the new school year and have been busy already. Every year I take measurements of different body parts in the first week and then again in the last week to see how much the children grow. We were excited to do this yesterday.

We have also completed lots of team building activities and built bridges which had to span 30cm and hold certain amounts of weight. We have written postcards about our holidays and done some artwork focusing on Stonehenge. Keep on the lookout for these on the blog.

Mr B

Super busy week in Class 5 !

Wow! The week has just flown by!

We have been super busy this week in Class 5 and have completed a whole host of work. In English we have been writing the next adventure story for Tadeo Jones where the children have used a variety of sentence types and figurative language really well. In Maths we have started our new topic of ratio and have been understanding the terminology and vocabulary used. We have written out ratio and simplified it this week.

In Science we have been learning about reflection. We have built a periscope to understand that light can be reflected at different angles and have tested these out by trying to see round corners. In theme, we have been looking at primary sources of evidence to try and understand life in Ancient Egyptian times. Finally in art we have been developing our pencil sketching techniques by trying to draw a self portrait of our faces.

Homework has been handed out tonight and is due in on Tuesday.

Have a great weekend

Mr B

New Half Term

It has been a busy start since coming back for Class 5 and all the children have come back with a good attitude to learning which has been pleasing to see.

In maths we have been focusing on fractions. This has proven to be quite a tricky start but the children have been trying exceptionally hard. If at home we could focus on times tables and applying these to be able to add, subtract and simplify fractions that would be fantastic. In English we have been letter writing both informally and formally which the children have enjoyed and produced some really good pieces of work. Also last week we started our History topic on ” The Ancient Maya”. I was really impressed with the timelines and the link s the children made to other civilisations. Finally, in Science we have started to classify animals using a classification key before moving onto looking at Carl Linnaeus which is a topic all children find interesting.

Please keep an eye out in the coming weeks for phots of what we are up to. Any comments please feel free to email me.

Mr B